Curated by Counter Space, Angelo Romano at «i shine – you shine», curators collaboration n°2
Luciano Perna, born in Naples, is an artist who lives and works in Los Angeles. During his residency project at Counterspace he researched and collected images that reflect the USSR space exploration program during a time of harsh scientific and technological competition with the U.S. Perna’s approach reconstructs a lost photographic history, creating a critical iconographic space that represent a moment of history whose technological advances have had an essential and particular role in shaping our present and future lives.
".....I can go further and further into the unknown wilderness of life. It is there where real transformation can take place".
Kasimir Malevich, 1915
"....the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far out-strip our collective comprehension".
John F. Kennedy Address at Rice University on the Space Effort September 12, 1962