Press Release German
Press Release English
Aug 28 –
Oct 15, 2016
Aug. 28, 2016
In ihrer Ausstellung «Building a Home with Time» geht die libanesische Künstlerin der Verbindung von Zeit und Raum in unterschiedlichste Ansätzen nach, immer wieder verknüpft mit ihrer eigenen Biografie: Erinnerungen an spezifische Orte, an Kindheit; ein Nachsinnen über er - zwungene Ortswechsel. Das Erdachte geht eine Verbindung ein mit dem realen Verlauf der Zeit.
ENGL.: In her exhibition «Building a Home with Time» Lebanese artist Saadé explores various aesthetics of time-space, derived in part from her personal history, memories of locality and childhood, ruminations about displacement and in so doing relates poetry to the realm of time.
PERF.: In another newly realized work, «A Play of One Actress», Saadé looks at the surreality and construction of memory and personality: What do we selectively or unconsciously remember or grasp onto and why? In which instances does memory fail us and why? Saadé has asked, Minna Wündrich, to recall, for the period of one month–the month of her birthday–all the verses she remembers from all of the theatre performances that she had ever played in.